10 Things Mentally Strong Women Don’t Do.

4 min readNov 6, 2021


A young black woman with sunglasses on dancing playfully to music from her earpiece.

What is mental strength? And what makes a mentally strong woman? Read on to find out.

Mental strength isn’t about acting tough or pretending to be hardcore to earn some respect or hide your emotions. Rather it’s about managing your emotions, controlling your thoughts and responding to difficulties positively regardless of your situation.

There isn’t such a thing as a mentally weak woman. We all have degrees of mental stamina. The popular adage “Adversity reintroduces you to your strengths” is a good example of this. In other words, when you believe you’ve hit rock bottom and are at your wit’s end, you suddenly come up with creative ways to get out of an unpleasant situation and eventually overcome life’s obstacles.

Just as physical strength is acquired by constantly eating healthy and prioritizing exercises, Mental stamina is consciously developed by consistently directing your mind to greater outcomes for your life.

So even if you are drowning in debt and want financial wellness, fixating your mind on what you want will ultimately put you in the driver’s seat to see what’s possible.

Mental strength allows you to control your mind which can sometimes be a chatterbox by opening up a quiet space to think about possibilities.

So, what do mentally strong women avoid?

  1. Mentally strong women don’t dwell on their past. We’ve all made mistakes and sometimes these errors are accompanied by painful regrets that keep replaying in our heads like a broken record. But nobody ever drove forward glancing in the rearview mirrors of their lives.

Mentally strong women know this well. They acknowledge their mistakes, forgive themselves, learn their lessons and move on. They understand that circumstances and mistakes are not their reality. If they must consult their past, they do it to learn or draw lessons rather than relive them. This is the first step to becoming a mentally strong woman.

2. They avoid the comparison bug: Mentally strong women know that comparison is the thief of joy. They understand that every woman is beautiful with her unique set of strengths, so they’re not bothered about who’s winning at the moment. For them, the sky is wide enough to fly and in no time they will take flight too. Jealousy blinds you to your blessings and capacity, so they avoid it like a bug. They are focused on bettering themselves in their way.

3. Mentally strong women don’t pull other women down: Mentally powerful women are vaccinated against The Pulling Her Down Syndrome (PhD). They don’t gossip or lambast other women behind their backs. They are not instrumental to a woman’s downfall. They recognise that a sister’s success is essential for their success too.

4. They do it afraid: Mentally strong women are not immune to fear but they do it afraid anyway. And this is the true definition of courage-The ability to control their emotions to pursue their dreams.

5. They are not entitled: Mentally strong women do not put their lives in the hands of other people. They work hard for accomplishments. Their fate or next meal is not dependent on what people think they deserve.

6. They are not afraid to be vulnerable: Irrespective of who it is or where they are, mentally strong women are not afraid to step out of their comfort zones to pursue their goals.

7. They do not silence their voices: Even in the face of opposition, these women do not mute their voices. Regardless of harmful cultural pressure and gender bias, they speak up to create change and challenge a negative status quo.

8. They never give up: Mentally strong women view failure as an opportunity to learn from their mistakes and not to throw in the towel. They have a resilient approach to challenges until they get it right.

9. They are not lazy: Mentally strong women are hard and smart workers. They know nothing good comes easy, thus applying their skills to their work. They adopt a growth mindset to challenging roles and constantly stretch themselves for more.

10. They don’t leave their financial lives to chance: Mentally strong women are financial literates. They are the chief financial officers of their lives. They don’t hope that one day they’d start saving and investing instead, they seek and optimise present opportunities to improve their finances.

They don’t abandon financial planning to their partners either, rather they educate themselves on budgeting, saving, investing, capital appreciation, compounding. They know their net worth.

Achieving a high level of mental strength is an ongoing and conscious exercise, so keep working at it and never give up!

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Written by HerVest

An inclusive Fintech for underserved and excluded women in Africa.

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