Who hasn’t fallen for the perfection trap that life should follow a certain order?
As women we are conditioned to see life progress from uni to pursuing a career, marriage, raising children and so on. But does life truly operate in a picture-perfect manner?
In all honesty, there is no such thing as a perfect life. You probably can attest that life hasn’t unfolded in the perfect fashion you’d dreamt of. However, if we are intentional about our growth, a lot can be accomplished, and it all begins with personal development.
Personal development basically refers to any activity or set of activities that improve the mind, soul and body. It’s a lifelong process of improving your skills and gaining knowledge to maximise the gift of life to reach your potential.
Let’s unpack that layer by layer.
Life is a gift but it wouldn’t hand you down beautiful things on a platter of gold. You’ve got to put in the hard and smart work and this is where personal development steps in.
To succeed as a student, employee, business owner, wife or mother, you’ve got to constantly gain knowledge that will help you improve in that area. Every step you take will get you closer to your goals.
Because life and success are continuous activities, you have to keep learning to adapt. More so, we live in a knowledge-driven world where consistent personal development is key for survival.
While on this journey, it might be easy to get frustrated and tired especially if you aren’t seeing immediate results from your efforts.
On the contrary, this is an important stage to experiencing growth. Take the story of the Chinese bamboo for example.
The growth of the Chinese bamboo plant is a natural phenomenon that relates to the concept of personal development significantly.
For the first four years of its life, a bamboo plant shows no sign of growth. It just remains a tiny plant in the soil.
During this time, it needs a lot of nurturing and watering even in the face of uncertainty. But something miraculously happens in the fifth year, a bamboo plant reaches 90 feet in 6 weeks. A whopping 90 feet! What if the sower gave up?
This same holds true in our personal lives. Even when we don’t see the results, transformation is taking its gradual pace.
A new year is around the corner and while we draw up our resolutions to make it successful. Here are some pointers to guide you along the way.
1. Set small, attainable goals: Our stop-doing lists may need to be longer than our to-do lists. If you solely focus on the difference between where you are now and where you want to be, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the prospect of personal improvement.
However, many people get this wrong and set themselves the goal of completing many tasks at once. Setting small, attainable goals and working toward them every day is a better strategy for self-improvement.
For example, if you want to improve your spirituality by reading the entire bible, establish a goal of reading 2–3 chapters of a book per day rather than the entire bible. That is really difficult to achieve.
2. Read Books/Articles: Even if it’s only for a few minutes, you may include personal growth into your daily routine by reading before you go to sleep.
You might select to read a few chapters of an inspirational book every day for a month, or you can pick to read an article from several blogs every day.
Reading can help you relax while also encouraging your mind to become more active. Also, watching educational and inspiring videos helps you build employability and human capital skills.
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Reading allows you to imagine how other people think, which can help you nourish your thoughts and learn important things. You’d be surprised by how much you can learn just by reading.
There are apps/sites that sieve the nuggets from books, so you can take them in bit sizes. There are also a plethora of channels on Instagram that share similar bit size knowledge from books. Whatever option works for you, just keep improving your wealth of knowledge.
3. Express emotions: Women are often stereotyped as being weaker vessels. I hold such statements responsible for a purported lack of self-esteem that has been mistaken for weakness. But if anything, women wield so much power that they aren’t aware of.
Expressing how you feel is a step toward self-development. It’s one thing to feel a certain way; it’s another to allow yourself to feel that way. Acting numb to your grief is a bad idea; instead, cry it out, be furious if necessary (but only in moderation), and express delight when you feel it.
Simply expressing yourself relieves the stress of overthinking while also assisting your mind to think more clearly.
4. Learn from your mistakes: Everyone makes mistakes at some point in their lives, but how do you deal with them? Do you want to learn from it or just move on?
Have you ever heard the saying “once beaten, twice shy”? Your “life charger” should be that. Take your time to examine and analyse your thoughts and actions so you don’t make the same mistake twice.
Consider how you could have handled the situation more effectively and be self-aware so you don’t make the same mistake again.
Of course, you don’t want to concentrate on the negative aspects of your past, but being aware of your own shortcomings gives you a greater chance the next time. There is no end to the possibility for personal progress as long as we continue to make mistakes
5. Process your fears: Fear is a natural and human emotion. Instead of rejecting your fears accept and understand them. Evaluating your fears might help you achieve uncover issues that have been causing you anxiety
6. Protect your health: It is said that health is wealth and this is nothing short of the truth. Only a healthy individual can benefit from growth’s long-term benefits. Don’t wait till your body system fails to visit the hospital; be proactive about your health. You might stroll into a hospital at any time and have a general examination merely to make sure your health is in good shape.
Also, to minimise unexpectedly expensive medical costs, enrol in a health insurance plan today.
7. Put yourself first: Prioritize yourself and what brings you joy. Many women frequently choose other things and people over themselves, which can be a selfless act. But prioritizing yourself above is a key step to pursuing your dreams with no distractions.
8. Be intentional about your finances: Being financially conscious puts you in the driver’s seat of your life. Opening a savings account, investing properly, and doubling your earnings are all important steps toward personal development.
Platforms like HerVest are tailored to help you stay accountable with your financial goals. The HerVest community is filled with like-minded women who challenge you towards personal, professional and financial success.
9. Find a mentor: A mentor is a knowledgeable person whom you might enlist to educate, inspire and boost your confidence. Mentors play an invaluable role in the lives of people seeking greater levels of professional and personal growth.
I am of the opinion that we can all be mentored by someone without meeting them physically. LinkedIn is a great place to start. A lot of people have gotten professional coaching that cost millions for free- all from a simple hello. You can shoot a private message to a potential mentor. You never know.
Just be open-ended and seek to always bring value to your communities. Position yourself as a value-added individual.
10. Be patient: Last but not least, be patient with yourself. Don’t expect a quick turnaround. Growth is a slow and steady process that does not occur in the blink of an eye.
Consistency is required for personal development. Remember, it’s a process that you must go through, and you must be consistent in order to see results.
Final thoughts.
Congratulations on reading this far. It shows that you’re intentional about your personal growth in the incoming year and I wish you nothing but positivity and love. Let me know if you found these tips helpful.
Remember, personal development is personal. It’s your journey, so don’t compare yourself to anybody. Celebrate your small victories. Success is relative and a series of small wins. so stay focused. You got this!
Dara from HerVest